Once you have created your Xago account, the account will need to be verified in order for you to:
- buy and sell XRP
- withdraw ZAR into your bank account
Two verification levels exist: unverified and unverified.
To verify your account:
- Sign in to your Xago account
- Click on "Account Profile" in the left menu
- Next to "Verification", click the "Verify" link and enter the relevant details as an individual or business
- Click the "Submit" button
If you have submitted your details correctly, you will receive an email from our third-party provider, DoxFox, requesting documentation to verify your account.
Once you have uploaded the required documentation into DocFox, you will receive an email from DoxFox informing you of the status of the verification request.
If the verification request was successful, you will be able to login into your Xago account and start trading.
If the verification request was unsuccessful, you will need to resubmit the required documentation as per the requirements stated by DoxFox in the email.